Chasing Demons

“Darkness will always be...its own master...” 
-C.K. Mullinax

On this incredible journey,
I count the number of my sins.
Raising my demons like vicious beasts,
Nothing would stand between my sword 
in sheath.

It's the path I was chosen for,
So I accepted downfall and reassured.
Even if I'd resolve for absolution,
My demons would hold me back from
the intension.

Like a slave bounded by forces,
I knew I was being tamed.
But for a destined reason only,
I chose not to play closely.

Death was all I prayed for,
It was the only thing wanted.
Nor love nor pain, 
Could salvage me for my defiant attain

However, these demons wouldn't abscond,
As they'll find a body to go on and on.  

“She was invisible. Forgettable. Forgotten.” 


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