Are Dreams On Hold This Year?

This thought came to my mind as soon as I entered my first quarantine in the beginning of March. Funnily enough, I had just fulfilled one of my life's dreams when this happened. If I am being absolutely lazy with my thinking, I would say not much has changed since March. But if I think harder, everything has! I had to quit my job because the entire travel industry collapsed and my company was barely surviving. I joined an internship at an upcoming OTT platform called MOON. Finally, I joined my current company where I work as a brand strategist. I was honestly learning quite a lot these couple past months. So, what is this post about? For me, it was about realising my true dreams and still persevere, even in a pandemic! 

My biggest dream till date remains writing my book. I always thought purchasing this fancy new laptop (which has been on my agenda ever since the first year of my college) would be the first step. So, last week I did take this step. This week I realised the next steps actually account for real patience and hardwork from my end. It actually means me sitting down and thinking actively about the story I have had in my mind since I was 16. I have truly nurtured these characters in my head, identifying their origins and creating circumstances which would make people feel for them. 

So, yes. This space is me telling my viewers, whoever you are that I am trying to be more active. And this post marks that effort. To write this book, I need to think like I could write fiction and even though my job requires me to continuously write for other people, I must write for myself. I need to change and for all 2020 has taught me, I can change. My life currently lacks real time inspirations because of staying at home (just a reminder, you should all stay safe) but I have a solution in mind; reading! Good old reading involving characters and language I could really use for descriptions. If my readers have any suggestions, do drop them down in the comment section. Honestly, I really wonder who some of you are. Who is still reading blogs in times of social media? It's an occupational hazard, don't mind me really.  

Anyway, so it begins....

“Think before you speak. Read before you think.”
― Fran Lebowitz


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