Movie Mania #3: PROMETHEUS

Usually I am not fond of movies with aliens or any sort of ET kind creatures but I took my chances with Prometheus.  Okay I should tell you this; it has got nothing to do with Titan Prometheus (save it for later). Now, PROMETHEUS-
Set in the late 21st century, around 2089-2094, a group of researchers (Noomi Rapace as Dr. Shaw) find traces of an existing earth like moon, the place where the creator of humans lived technically. A search expedition was sent into space. Prometheus, the gigantic space ship
built for this purpose.  A crew of seventeen including Android David (Michael Fassbender) reached their long awaited destination after two years.
They set out to discover the moon which was inhabited by “engineers”. As their expedition takes progress they find that these engineers are not like human, they are human. But none of them were found alive. The story takes a dark turn when three of their researchers die. How? It’s a weird planet dude!  And it’s not just them as the story continues, you see everyone dying a horrible death or experiencing some dreadful disease. The Android David in the beginning plays a very obedient robot but he is not what he looks like, too much for a machine isn’t it? A very mild performance by Charlize Theron, disappointment because after watching her in Snow White and the Huntsmen, I actually expected more!
Why should you watch Prometheus?
Watch it for the visuals and gadgets, the beginning sequence drives you all nuts! The photography and the research are flawless. Favourite character? David the android, Micheal Fassbender acted just like a bot and trust me if technology got so advanced by 2090s, we won’t be needing humans anymore.So if you have a thing for aliens and thriller, this one is yours!


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