Movie Mania: ARGO

ARGO, Oscar well deserved. From the beginning till the end there is no such moment that you would want to skip, an amazing performance by none other than Ben Affleck. Based on a true story, Argo is set in post-revolutionary Iran when America faced the Iran hostage crisis.
 Fifty Americans from the US embassy were in the hands of the agitated Iranians who held them as hostages but six of them escaped and found a safe house at the Canadian Ambassador’s residence in Tehran.

CIA’s mission was to rescue these diplomats but it was a near impossible task until an exfiltration specialist, Tony Mendez (Ben Affleck) comes with a rescue plan inspired by Battle of the Planet of the Apes, that’s when the movie kicks in.

 What I found the best?
The climax!
And it was a delight to see Ben Affleck as Tony; I think that is really what a CIA agent actually like. The movie depicted Iran in an appropriate way from flyers to bazaars.
For people who are game for historical drama thrillers, I think this is your cup of tea!
Watch out for Alan Arkin who stars as Lester Siegel (Oh god this guy was hilarious)

The 800 Persians in Argo are actually from Beverly Hills, and the 1970s US Embassy in Tehran was recreated in an abandoned airport terminal in southern California.
Ayatollah posters and signs written in Farsi adorned it to make it look real. Exterior shots were computer generated, which even included the Boeing 747 seen in the film.


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