Eight Years & More To Come (Happy Birthday)

It's funny how I can't even remember what led to this decision eight years ago. At that point everyone around me had started their blog and were writing some really interesting teenage stuff. So yes, it could have been one that was following the trend. But eight years on, it's not even a trend anymore! Instagram pages are though. Now I have always maintained Everything@Once is my space. A space I carefully carved for my mind and feelings. It gave me so much joy to share my writing or expression that has undeniably shaped me as an adult. 

To do it justice is to keep on writing year after year so that one day when somebody brings back blogs just like they brought small shoulder bags from the 2000s, they find my blog a place with over one hundred thousand words. Yeah, something I can claim easily! I don't know what's in store for me as a person but I can tell you this, writing is my solace, my ease and my best friend for life. 

I sometimes imagine Kahlo or Amrita Sher-gil's life, their talent was interrupted because of their short lives. What wonders they could have created with a decade or few more but then I am also riddled with the question; what if that wasn't the case at all? What if greatness only adds by living gloriously short lives. In reality, their lives were not at all glorious but incredibly hard.  

Our lives have been hard these past couple months, it was the great plague of the modern age! Lord knows what the world would be like in the next decade but I'll sign off with P.B. Shelly's words which describe colossal wreckage, something I neither wish nor want in all our lives.

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.


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